3. Third Party Frameworks | Nikita Verkhoshintcev

third party frameworks

Nikita Verkhoshintcev drops by to share his invaluable experience of using popular 3rd party frameworks in Salesforce.

Main Points

  1. Why Guest’s company uses 3rd party ones, like Angular and React, in Salesforce app development
  2. Pros & cons between Lightning Component and popular 3rd party frameworks
  3. Simple introduction of Angular and React framework
  4. How to use other frameworks and pass on data technically
  5. Using the Soap and REST APIs in Guest’s Salesforce projects
  6. Risk analysis of 3rd party framework compatibility
  7. Angular v.s. React
  8. Simple scenario walk-through: using Angular in Salesforce project
  9. What Salesforce native code is needed in the 3rd party framework project
  10. A bit more about current JavaScript status- Why Guest’s company uses 3rd party frameworks, like Angular and React, in Salesforce app development
  11. Pros & cons between Lightning Component and popular 3rd party frameworks
  12. Simple introduction of Angular and React framework
  13. How to use other frameworks and pass on data technically
  14. Using the Soap and REST APIs in Guest’s Salesforce projects
  15. Risk analysis of 3rd party framework compatibility
  16. Angular v.s. React
  17. Simple scenario walk-through: using Angular in Salesforce project
  18. What Salesforce native code is needed in 3rd party framework project
  19. A bit more about current JavaScript status


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Take care, until next time :)!

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