105. Salesforce Inspector Reloaded Plugin | Thomas Prouvot

Thomas Prouvot

Thomas Prouvot, who joins to share about Salesforce Inspector Reloaded, is the Salesforce Inspector Reloaded creator/maintainer and Senior Technical Consultant at Salesforce

Main Points

  1. Salesforce Inspector Reloaded quick intro
  2. How we started to use Reloaded
  3. How Thomas starts learning the code of the original plugin
  4. Where the Salesforce Inspector Reloaded journey started
  5. Supporting more browsers
  6. The procedure to make a new release
  7. Collect user feedback to improve Reloaded
  8. Documentation
  9. How Reloaded handles customer data access
  10. Features in the future roadmap


Video Teaser

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Take care, until next time :)!

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