Best Salesforce Developer Blogs that Share Wisdom

best salesforce developer blogs

Many Salesforce developer blogs exist on the internet. Some share knowledge, some share wisdom. The goal of this article is to curate a list of wisdom-sharing best Salesforce developer blogs for you.

First, what is the difference between knowledge and wisdom? Let me quote what Don Robins said:

It’s easy to acquire knowledge. Knowledge is everywhere. You can go out and find knowledge.  The problem is the absorption of that knowledge, and turning it into what I call wisdom. Wisdom is taking knowledge and applying it in a real-world day-to-day activity to solve your problems.

You can also listen to his explanation in this video.

Then, why should you listen to me? Good question!

I keep talking with the best Salesforce developers in the SalesforceWay podcast. In order to prepare for the conversation, I explore their personal blogs and read the content they create.

Because of this, I have discovered many blogs that share great information but unfortunately don’t rank high in the Google search.  Thus this article, I’m sharing with you the best Salesforce developer blogs in my opinion.

Be noted that the blogs listed in this article do NOT focus on “how to do XZY in Salesforce” (i.e. knowledge), rather “why choose X over Y or Z and why X is better in this context” (i.e. wisdom).

Feel free to use the Table of Contents to scan the list to save your time.

Best Salesforce Developer Blogs

Blogs are listed in alphabetical order.

Andy Fawcett

separation of concerns


Andy Fawcett is a celebrity in the Salesforce ohana. He doesn’t have time to produce regular content, and his blog theme looks like 10 years ago. But he is a living example of “content is the king”. Each post he created was a masterpiece. Many people subscribe to his newsletter so to read Andy’s thoughts as soon as it’s published.

Andy is also the author of the Salesforce Lightning Platform Enterprise Architecture, a book that all Salesforce developers should read.

You can listen to him talking about the Separation of Concerns principle in the SalesforceWay Podcast.

Dan Appleman



Dan Appleman is the idol of many great Salesforce developers, such as Jitendra Zaa and me (just kidding). He is active in the ecosystem to present, train and inspire new generations of developers.

In his personal blog, Dan no longer talks much about Salesforce coding. His recent content is beyond “how to code” (knowledge) and into “how to think” (wisdom).

Dan is the author of the Advanced Apex Programming book, another must-read book for Salesforce developers.

Dan is also an active PluralSight course author. You can find many of his courses teaching coding as well as other general topics such as career planning, how to learn technologies.

You can listen to him talking about Advanced Apex and PluralSight in the SalesforceWay Podcast.

Daniel Ballinger

daniel b

blog twitter

Daniel is both a Salesforce and a Microsoft .NET developer. His blog contains a lot of great information. I enjoy very much the story he wrote about tackling the parallel testing problem.

Daniel, maybe you wanna consider to update the blogging platform :)?

David Liu

personal branding


David Liu successfully transformed his career from marketing to Salesforce development and since then inspired so many junior developers.

David’s personal blog, SFDC99, is the personal branding exemplar in the Ohana. He teaches how to write Apex code 101 and how to pass Salesforce certification.

You can listen to him talking about personal branding in the SalesforceWay Podcast.

James Simone



I know James Simone because one of my podcast listeners introduced me to his blog. I had a look at his space and got immediately hooked.

James Simone, on his blog, has produced the Joys Of Apex series with great insights on various Apex coding topics. The reason I enjoy his content very much is that he doesn’t just espouse his opinions; he uses tests and statistics to back up what he says in the posts.

I plan to talk with James on my podcast and will post the URL here once it is published.

Jitendra Zaa

Salesforce Asynchronous


I’d argue Jitendra Zaa is the most diligent Salesforce blogger. He started to blog in 2008 and has kept the cadence until today. Despite the astounding number of published posts, he told me half of his posts were still private and not visible to the public!

Jitendra has many posts talking about how to accommodate a large volume of data and active customers in the Salesforce platform using sparkling innovational ideas.

In addition, Jitendra is also the author of Apex Design Patterns book.

At last, I need to say that Jitendra is a fantastic story-teller. You can listen to him talking about how to use Salesforce asynchronous methods to solve difficult business requirements on this episode in the SalesforceWay Podcast.

Keir Bowden

salesforce cli


There is only one famous Bob in the Ohana, it’s Keir Bowden with his Bob Buzzard Blog. If we say Andy’s blog theme is 10 years old, then Keir’s is from 1990(uhm…remember content is the king!).

Keir blogs a lot about Salesforce CLI as he is a true guru of this topic, and uses it to create toolings for his company.

You can listen to him talking about Salesforce CLI in the SalesforceWay Podcast.

Kevin Jones

kevin jones


Kevin is a senior technical architect in FinancialForce. His blog drills into difficult challenges of the Salesforce platform. His knowledge on the platform is second to none in the community.

Kevin has also created an open-source project – ApexLink, a Salesforce offline package linker, linter & source transformation tool.

I had a chance to invite him to talk on his ApexLink project in the SalesforceWay podcast. I will put the URL here once the episode is live.

Paul Battisson

salesforce performance


When I discovered Paul’s blog, I was amazed at the diversified topics he can talk about, such as Salesforce performance, AI model training using Salesforce, Lightning component development, and so on.

Paul’s knowledge is way beyond the Salesforce platform, multiple programming languages, machine learnings, mathematics, etc.. You can follow his blog to learn a wide range of software engineer skills.

You can listen to him talking about Salesforce Performance in the SalesforceWay Podcast.

Peter Knolle



Peter creates Salesforce and Software Development Technical Articles in his personal blog. I enjoy reading his content not only because of the information he shares but also the simplified manner he expresses and the clean content structure.

The only wish I have is – Peter could give slightly more love to his blog, i.e. create content more often :).

I hope to talk to Peter in the SalesforceWay podcast in the near future.

Official Salesforce Developer Blog

Strictly speaking, the official Salesforce developer blog is not a personal blog despite of the massive amount of information it includes. I add it to the list as it’s like a watchtower for me to run into experienced Salesforce developers.

For instance, Matt Goldspink had a fantastic Lightning Locker Service introduction session on the SalesforceWay podcast, and I got to know him because of his contribution post on the official developer blog.

Wrap Up On Best Salesforce Developer Blogs

In order to obtain knowledge, 90% of the time we only need to use the right keywords and search the answer. Google has facilitated so much of this step.

Acquiring wisdom is a different case. It is about learning what works, what doesn’t work, why it works, why it doesn’t work. Wisdom is tied to time, no short-cut, and demands deliberate practices.

As salesforce developers, we can follow blogs of Salesforce technology thought leaders to learn how to acquire wisdom, a deeper level of knowledge.

Am I missing any wisdom-sharing Salesforce developer blogs? Leave your comments and let me know :)!


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  3. Tushar 2021-06-10
  4. Anna 2021-06-17
  5. Riya 2021-06-30
  6. Dhwani Shah 2021-08-02
  7. Anamika 2021-11-09
  8. Amit Agarwal 2022-01-28
  9. yourITdepartmentUK 2022-03-18
  10. Sourabh Mehra 2022-04-05
  11. Sourabh Mehra 2022-04-07
  12. Sourabh Mehra 2022-04-07
  13. Isyncsf 2022-04-26
  14. Sweet Potato Tec 2023-05-18
  15. Sathish Periyasamy 2023-10-19
  16. Thiago Trivelato 2023-12-12
  17. Shikha 2024-03-12
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