39. Salesforce CLI | Keir Bowden

salesforce cli

Keir Bowden, one of the first Salesforce CTAs, joins to talk about Salesforce CLI.

Keir is also the author of the Visualforce Development Cookbook, five-time Salesforce Developer MVPs, and the CTO at BrightGen.


Proton Text is a complete SMS texting solution built for the Lightning Platform, and by one of our previous guests Pat McClellan.

Main Points on Salesforce CLI

  • Discussion about Keir’s Visualforce book
  • Introduction about Keir’s play-by-play on the same topic
  • How did Keir learn Salesforce CLI?
  • What was the developer experience preceding CLI?
  • Can we use CLI with regular static orgs?
  • Extending CLI with scripts and plugins
  • Keir shares two typical challenges of using scratch org
  • Keir’s Mentz program to help people learn better coding
  • Discussion about how to create and distribute plugins
  • How does VSCode Salesforce official plugin use CLI?
  • What are the things that can still be improved?
  • Keir’s DreamForce 19 talk – Testing UI with Selenium and NodeJs


Video Teaser

The YouTube Video URL

Outro Music

Tristram Village – Diablo I & II

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Take care, until next time :)!

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