6. Trailhead and Lightning Component Development | Sara Morgan Nettles

lightning component
Sara Morgan Nettles

Sara Morgan Nettles from Trailhead team joins the show to talk about Trailhead platform and Lightning Component development. I am especially inspired by Sara’s diligence and the amount of great achievement she has done in the professional career. Check out her ‘about me’ page linked in the show notes for more information!

Main Points

  1. The guest’s role and working tasks in Salesforce Trailhead team
  2. What is Trailhead, its history, and new features
  3. The current progress of My Trailhead feature
  4. The Trailhead team
  5. How did the guest originally join the Trailhead team
  6. Remote work and self-disciplined
  7. Lightning Component development and the guest authored Pluralsight courses
  8. New lighting components in Summer 18
  9. Sara’s professional career and the insights behind it
  10. Retake trailhead modules to refresh and solidify knowledge


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Take care, until next time :)!

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