13. Monolithic to Modular | John Daniel


DX, Scratch org, and 2nd generation packaging form the new paradigm of Salesforce development. John Daniel shares how he helps large firms transfer the existing codebase from monolithic to the new modular way.

Main Points

  1. Quickly recap what John shared in his video: Architecting Unlocked Packages in Your Salesforce Org
  2. What values do both DX and unlocked package features bring to John’s splitting solution journey
  3. What values do scratch org feature bring to John’s splitting solution journey
  4. Discuss how to transition to using scratch org
  5. Manage package dependencies by DX plugins
  6. How did John’s journey start? How was the team and management’s attitude at the beginning
  7. John’s recommendations for teams that want to take the same journey: splitting solutions into modular.
  8. What types or sizes of business should take this journey?
  9. What updates John have had after his video: Architecting Unlocked Packages in Your Salesforce Org


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Take care, until next time :)!

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